четверг, 9 января 2014 г.

FEELTA Winter school

Уважаемые коллеги,
Зимние чтения будут проходить в ДВФУ на о.Русском 17-18 января с 10.00-17.30
Стоимость гостиницы 1250 рублей за койко-место в двухместном номере.
Заявки на участие отправлять Татьяне Лупачевой  lupachyova@yandex.ru до 14 января.

понедельник, 6 января 2014 г.

Заседание группы исследователей

Очередное заседание группы состоится 9 января ( четверг) в 10.00 в СОШ №9.
Мероприятие прописано в плане на январь. Приглашаются все участники группы.

воскресенье, 5 января 2014 г.

American Council lectures

Dear colleagues,
please remind your students about American Councils lectures January-March.
If your students are interested in studing in US Universities or Colleges, they have a great chance to visit  series of lectures for FREE.
Date: January,15
Place: School#7 "Edelweiss",room 2-12

FEELTA Conference - 2014

Dear friends,

We invite you to participate in the 10th FEELTA International Conference
“Crossing Borders: Language, Culture, Cognition.”

The conference will take place in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, June 23-25,

Deadline for proposals: April 15, 2014
Email: facultetFiMK@amgpgu.ru
Websites: http://amgpgu.ru or http://feelta.wl.dvgu.ru/

Please spread the word among your colleagues.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Komsomolsk!

FEELTA Executive Board

Winter Methodology school (FEELTA,Vladivostok)

Dear colleagues,
please plan your classes if you want to participate in  FEELTA Winter Methodology school (Vladivostok).

It will be held January17-18,2014

Electronic Village Online (EVO) 2014

Dear colleagues,
I higly recommend you to join Electronic village on-line community.You'll meet new friends,get new experience and knowlege.The tutors are higly qualified and will help you with difficult tasks.Moreover you can share your own experience with colleagues all over the world.

For five weeks in January and February, TESOL experts and participants from around the world engage in collaborative online discussions or hands-on virtual workshops of professional and scholarly benefit. These sessions bring together participants for a longer period of time than is permitted by land-based professional development conventions and allow a fuller development of ideas than is otherwise possible.

Sessions are free and open to anyone around the globe. It is not necessary to attend the TESOL Convention in order to participate. All you need is access to the Internet. Choose a session from this year's offerings, listed below.  And please inform your colleagues about this unparalleled professional development opportunity!

Nina Liakos
On behalf of the EVO Coordination Team


Free online course on Testing from Christine Coombe!

Dear colleagues, please share this news and join the course! This is a terrific offer!

Want to learn more about assessment? The TESOL Arabia Testing SIG is putting together a free,
two-and-a-half month long online course entitled "The Fundamentals of Language Assessment".
The course has been specifically designed for classroom teachers with little or no knowledge
about assessment or assessment issues. The workload will be approximately one to two hours per week,
and those who successfully complete the course will receive a certificate.

The course will be offered twice. The first course offering will begin at the end of January
and finish in mid-April. The second course is expected to begin in early March and finish in May. 

If you are interested, please email Christine Coombe directly at: (ccoombe@hct.ac.ae) and include
the following information: name, affiliation (institution where you work), country and email address.

Events 2014

Dear colleagues,

2014 hopes to be exciting,creative,it brings wonderful opportunities for all of us to participate in different events: Electronic village, Winter methodology school (FEELTA Vladivostok), Talent show, G8 meeting,
10th FEELTA International Conference “Crossing Borders: Language, Culture, Cognition.(Komsomolsk-on Amur),
Free online course on Testing from Christine Coombe! And lots of more and more events.
Please take part in some of them and develop your proffessional skills.